“A code is like love, it has created with clear intentions at the beginning, but it can get complicated.”
Gerry Geek


A little about me

Hello, I'm Marcos Melo, passionate about programming, in addition to website development, I'm interested in several other areas such as robotics, artificial intelligence, game programming and blockchain.

Technical Know-How

Website and Web pages

Programming, Styling and Tagging

Another Tools

Operational System


Snake Game JS by Marcos Melo 2022 Snake game using JavaScript, CSS and Canvas More information and Code on GitHub Try Snake Game
Dinosaur Game JS by Marcos Melo 2022 Dinosaur game using JavaScript, CSS and Canvas More information and Code on GitHub Try Dinosaur Game
Text Converter JS by Marcos Melo 2022 Text Converter using JavaScript, CSS and Canvas More information and Code on GitHub Try Text Converter
Light And Candles 2024 WebSite by Marcos Melo 2024 ECommerce, custom template and header logo. CMS Wordpress Visit LightandCandles
Manualsarts 2022 WebSite by Marcos Melo 2022 Blog, custom template and header logo. CMS Wordpress Visit ManualsArts
Inxinet 2021 WebSite by Marcos Melo 2021 Blog, custom template and header logo. CMS Wordpress Visit Inxinet
ClaudioMath 2012 WebSite by Marcos Melo 2012 Blog, custom template and header logo. CMS Wordpress diseabled in 2023
Inxinet 2009 WebSite by Marcos Melo 2009 Blog, custom template and header logo. CMS Wordpress
ClaudioMath 2009 WebSite by Marcos Melo 2009 Personal Website, custom template and logo. CMS Joomla
Alphatelma 2009 WebSite by Marcos Melo 2009 Personal Website, custom template and logo. CMS Joomla
Bijucolors 2008 WebSite by Marcos Melo 2008 Personal Website, custom template and logo. CMS Joomla